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  3. 岐阜县酒店点评
岐阜县 酒店真实住客点评


  • 三原雅日式旅馆 住客评分:9


  • 高山田园酒店 住客评分:8


  • New Gifu Hotel Plaza 住客评分:7


  • eph TAKAYAMA 住客评分:10


  • Miyama Ouan Kyoritsu Resort 住客评分:9


  • Hirayukan 住客评分:8

    “地點好 早晚餐豐富 溫泉很棒”

  • 水明馆酒店 住客评分:1


  • 望川馆 住客评分:10

    “太多了,首先这边员工都非常友善,可以看出是家很有历史底蕴的酒店,员工培训十分到位,每个员工都彬彬有礼 其次我真的很喜欢这里的温泉,有天晚上在露天温泉里泡的时候,猛然一撇看见月亮挂到树枝梢头,那种感觉真的无以言表,内心中很感动,可惜没法带相机进入温泉不然我必须要拍下来,以及价格,我从booking上以不到900的价格住了两晚,房间给我安排的是一个和室,很大足以住下四个人,而且从阳台望去就是酒店特地修剪的超大庭院,远远的还有火车经过,更远的则是群山环绕,真的很美很美 最后特别表扬前台的印度小哥,虽然您的口音我没大听明白,但您出色的业务能力给我留下了深刻的印象!您很棒! This hotel just so brilliant!i love bonsekan! First,the reception stuff are so kind,very polite,i mean,just from the stuff you know that this hotel must have a lot of history,the stuff-traning is very well,everyone have manners Second,i really really love the hot spring at the b2floor,just imaging such a scenry,At night you walk into the onsen to cure the exhausion,and you get a glimpse of the moon--it handing at the treetop,the warm wind breezing,grosshoppers are singing,everything just so peace,the time seemly frozen at this moment.sorry my english isnt good so you mey dont understand what i mean,thats ok,all you know are the onsen is amazing! In the end,i want to give my best comment to the india stuff at reception:bro,even i didnt understand you because your accent,i am still impressed by your professional ability,just keep working bro!your are great!”

  • Chisun Grand Takayama 住客评分:10


  • Relax Hotel Takayama Station 住客评分:10



